Monday, 26 September 2011

Thoughts from the hippie

This week off uni couldn’t of come any sooner! It was getting to that point in the semester where it was oh so tempting to just skip my lectures and just start to get slack with pretty much everything. So I’m using this week to regain my motivation and focus with pretty much everything. I want to make sure this week I’m not wasting my time, that I’m not just watching TV or spending a couple of hours on the computer not even doing anything important, just wasting time. Today my goals are to finish my notes from the past week for two of my subjects, do Spanish practice before my lesson today, fit in some guitar and if I have time before I go to work to put my congo drums on sale on Tomorrow I want to practice Spanish, guitar, get a lot of my major assignment done/started from one of my subjects and go to the markets to pick up my veges rather than going to coles.

This week I also want to start making a couple of small positive changes, like buying my veges from the markets and whenever I need to go into the city or to the middle of west end during the day, to walk instead of taking the bus. It’s only a 40minuteish walk to the city and only about a 15-20minutes walk to the middle of west end, so I really shouldn’t be so lazy also this should hopefully save me a bit of money on my gocard. I also want to be really conscious of what I eat this week. I’ve been letting on go of my eating for the past week and I just really want to get back to how I was eating before last week.
So this week is all about regaining motivation and focus, I’ll blog about how I go when the week is out. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Thoughts from the hippie

If you've been living under a rock lately the people in the Horn of Africa (which is Somalia/Ethiopia/Kenya region) are going through massive food shortages with the worst drought they've had in 60 years. More than 370,000 refugees are already crammed into three camps at Dadaab, built for a combined capacity of 90,000!

As part of World Food Day, I'm raising money to help support Oxfam's response and Gather to Grow event to the food crisis happening in East Africa.

You can find more about what Oxfam is doing here:

You can also donate here:

This is a really important cause to support, so even if you only donate $5 you'd still make me really really happy! 

Here are some amazing photos from the BBC website: 


Sunday, 4 September 2011

Thoughts from the hippie

Recently I received an email from one of my friends in America,  in a nutshell, he was telling me about a career opportunity he had, how he felt like he was doing some soul searching and about wanting to pursue something that is truly meaningful and he asked me if I ever felt like that, feeling like you have to pursue something meaningful.

I definitely understood what he meant about wanting to pursue something meaningful in life. I get really annoyed with myself in my own life, I read about these people who are doing all these amazing things, like working in developing countries to try and make other people’s lives better, and so often it makes me really annoyed with myself that I’m not making a difference to anyone or anything, that I’m just existing and my life is just like a machine where I go to uni, go to work, finish my degree, get a job, bleugh. I want more than, I want to make difference but I don’t know how, and I don’t think I will be one of those people who make those differences in developing countries. I want my life to have meaning and purpose and I just don’t see it happening, it’s incredibly frustrating!

I hope by the end of my degree I’ll be able to go work somewhere overseas with animals, but it all just seems so far away, I can’t imagine myself being a ‘real adult’, I don’t feel that way, most the times I just feel like I’m just another silly young girl. Work is such a major part of anyone’s life, but I wouldn’t want my career or whatever to define who I am, but I think that’s the way it comes across in most developed countries, you are your work.

I want my life to have purpose and meaning, and right now I don’t feel like I’m any use or good to anyone. It’s an incredibly shitty feeling to have. I don’t feel like I’m doing enough in my life, but I don’t know how to start to do more.