Friday, 27 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

My mistake..... my post from the 17th of January was actually partly wrong and I found this out last week. That day I read the wrong section on my miCoach so I hadn't been running 24kms, BUT my miCoach was still in miles so I had been running further than I thought anyway, more like 16kms not 24kms. Today though feeling pretty proud of myself as I ran 18.23 kms. Because it has been raining in the mornings this week I had been sticking to just doing quick 10km runs or 45minute interval running but this morning NO RAIN wooo so I tried to make the most of it. I still think I have it in me to do 25km, hopefully by the end of next month I will reach that goal.

Also today is Laneway Festival, most looking forward to seeing Husky, Feist and SBTRKT. Even though this guy isn't playing at laneway, he came in at number 3 on triple j's hottest 100, he definitely deserved it. I think this is such a beautiful song I wanted to share it with you all, good vibes to you :)

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

I've just finished reading 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky..... this book, WOW, amazing!

For anyone who loves anything that Jonathan Safran Foer writes will love this book. It made me laugh, smile and cry, it's absolutely beautiful and I'm definitely excited for the film to come out. I have a lot more hope with this film more so than Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I can't imagine Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks pulling off the characters and yes I know they're professional actors rar rar rar, but for me they just aren't the people for this movie and I'm actually scared about how disappointed I will be, but I'll try to keep an open mind for whenever the movie does finally come out in Australia because who knows, maybe they will do a good job.  So for Perks of Being a Wallflower, Logan Lerman and Emma Watson will be in the movie and I can picture them doing the characters justice.

Make sure you check out the book!

Also, went hiking last weekend which was just what I needed. I find if I stay in the city for ages I get kind of frustrated and need to get away. What made this hike that much more special was that along the way there was this waterhole where you can jump off the rocks. I have never really done that before jumping off of rocks into a waterhole, I always just walk my way in because I'm too scared to do it. I don't think it's a real fear of heights that I have, I think that it's just part of being human, just a natural fear that everyone kind of has, not anything serious. Anyway, I jumped off! And this wasn't just a small jump off either, it was a worthy height jump off into the water. It felt so amazing, the second jump into the water was higher than the first one and I actually chickened out and as the people who I was with and I were just sitting on the rocks drying off about to have lunch I just thought to myself something like "fuck this, everyone else has done it, I'm not going to die, I'm not going to end up paralysed, fuck me, let go rhiannon, fuck being inside doing nothing every weekend like a few people who I'm close to, I came here, fuck it". Seriously that was going through my head as we were sitting down about to eat, so without saying anything except 'fuck it' I walked up to the high rock and just jumped off. It hurt jumping in, but it hurt everyone jumping in and I was so happy with myself that I did that even though it probably didn't mean a lot to anyone else, for me it was about letting go and just doing it, whatever it is, just being in a moment!!! So yes, moral of the story, if it's not going to kill you or seriously hurt you, if it's something your scared of probably a good idea to go through with it, you feel much better at the end!

This picture isn't from where I jumped off, but it was part of the hike :)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

This is probably my favourite clip from youtube... Adriel Luis and everyone from Ill-Literacy are incredible, I highly recommend you check out some of their other spoken word. The clips from this video matches perfectly with Adriel's words, kudos to Sam Figueroa...

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

I feel as though this year my mindset has changed becoming a much healthier mindset! For around six years I struggled through an eating disorder so I obviously did not have a healthy relationship with my mind and body. Two years ago I became much healthier and let go of the eating disorder and although I am recovered, it had still been a long battle to not go back to old habits and to be where I am today.

So although these past couple of years I have been much healthier, my body is still not quite where I would like it to be but just to be clear, I don't have the hatred for my body that I use to now I do accept and love the body that I have, I just know that it can be better. The way my mindset has changed now is that I feel that I know my body is still changing, that my body will get better and that I will eventually have the body that I want because I am making the changes that I need to. I've always been into fitness, the reason why my body hasn't been at my ideal body is because of my eating, erratic eating or my portions being too large, just snacking all day, pretty much although eating healthy, eating 'wrong'. Now I've made the changes, I'm running further and stronger than I ever have before, I've started aerial yoga (more on that soon) and I'm getting personal training sessions once a week to work on my strength. It's just something that I feel that I know in my mind that my body isn't going to change in just one week but I just know that I will get there and I'm ok to wait, I feel happy to just progress along because like I said, I know it's changing and I know eventually I will get there, I'm guessing by April, and I'm stoked.

Also turns out my miCoach stride sensor that measures how far I run has actually been in miles, not kilometres, so those times when I've thought my runs have only been 15 kms (I do these larger runs up to 3 times a week), HAHA they've actually been around 24kms! I always thought it was taking me ages to run only 15kms! For running, I run 4 days on, 1 day off, 4 days on, 1 day off, and I LOVE it!

My final little rant is about starting aerial yoga. This is amazing! I absolutely love it, so much fun and an amazing strength work out as well. I've tried different types of yoga on and off over the years, my favourite was hot yoga, it always made me feel amazing afterwards but unfortunately it started getting too expensive so I had to stop that. If you have the opportunity definitely try it out, like I said, it's an amazing work out and a whole heap of fun, don't be afraid to try it by yourself, I didn't know anyone in the class and it was still a great experience. I signed up for the 6 week beginner work shop and on the first class they just throw you right in, you go upside down, a lot of core and arm strength, a fantastic fun work out, you feel like you're in the circus!

*this is just an image from google images*

To end here is another running quote that I found by John Bingham...."My running shoes have become giant erasers on my feet. Every foot stride rubs away some memory of a previous indiscretion with food or smoke or drink. Every successful mile releases me from the demons of failure. Every starting line is another chance to prove that my past will not determine my future."

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

Today at work I had one of those 'don't judge a book by its cover' experiences I thought I'd share....

This homeless man and his son came into my work for lunch (I know they're homeless, I've seen him on the streets and they definitely smell homeless), they had a couple of drinks, one pizza and a dessert, their bill came to $36, he gave me a $50 and I obviously gave the change back to the man. They stayed for about another fifteen or so minutes and once they left I went to clear the glasses off their table and there on the table was a $15 tip. I was so shocked that this homeless man left such a huge tip, especially since probably at least half of the people that come into my work don't tip (which is fine, it's not something I expect) and the fact that this man is homeless!

I think that this just goes to show you should treat people that you come across how you would like to be treated and to not 'judge a book by its cover' because they may just surprise you!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

"So she had to satisfy herself with the idea of love - loving the loving of things whose existence she didn't care at all about. Love itself became the object of her love. She loved herself in love, she loved loving love, as love loves loving, and was able, in that way, to reconcile herself with a world that fell so short of what she would have hoped for. It was not the world that was the great and saving lie, but her willingness to make it beautiful and fair, to live a once-removed life, in a world once-removed from the one in which everyone else seemed to exit." - Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is Illuminated.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

I LOVE running. For me, I don't run because I think I have to for a form of exercise, it actually feels like more of a hobby, something that make my days so much happier. Lately my runs are generally between 70-95 minutes and I hope to increase that to regular 120 minute runs by the end of March. Here are a few of my favourite running quotes. I especially love the last one, it speaks so loudly to me :)

"The truth is you can always run faster ... sometimes the truth hurts."

"Running is a gift I give myself almost every day. Even on those days when things haven't gone great, I can come home and give myself the accomplishment of a 30 or 40 minute fun."

"Whatever the pace, run softly, run tall."

"What the years have shown me is that running clarifies the thinking process as well as purifies the body. I think best - most broadly and fully - when I am running."

"The less you cheat, the more dramatic the effects will be."

"You can take anything away from me ... just don't take my running."

"Running distils life down to its basic elements... when I am out running everything is simple ... totally living in the moment ... it's a very pure experience."

Friday, 6 January 2012

Thoughts from the fashionista . . .

I adore these new heels that I bought for NYE. Although these heels cost me more than what I had budgeted for, I think they're the foundation for a fabulous party outfit and I know I will get my money worth wearing them on nights out. 

I'm wondering whether a bit of sparkle should be restricted to the evening or whether you can get away with it during the day? Lately I've been doing a smokey eyeshadow (during the day) using a light apricot colour on the inner and a dark chocolate colour on the outer, with both colours having a sparkly/shimmery effect. Inappropriate for the day?  I would never go OTT on glitter during the day, but I don't think a sparkly eyeshadow ever killed anyone!!

Thoughts from the hippie...

A small section that I absolutely LOVE from one of my favourite books: "Valley of the Dolls" by Jacqueline Susann...

'I'm talking about love,' he said hotly. 'Not begging! Love shouldn't make a beggar of one. I wouldn't want love if I had to beg for it, to barter or qualify it. And I should despise it if anyone ever begged for my love. Love is something that must be given - it can't be bought with words or pity, or even reason. I shall never beg you, Anne. I love you. You must know that. I shall always love you -'

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

I've already blogged about how  I've deactivated my facebook in a hope to become more productive, and now another point about deactivating my facebook which I only thought about the other day was whether or not this decision might actually affect my results at uni. This is one point that I'm definitely going to follow. I  think this semester will be interesting to see whether or not my facebook use in the past was indeed actually affecting the time I could have been putting into uni or not. Hmmmm only time will tell!!                                    

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

Every year at Woodford Folk Festival at 11:30pm on New Years Eve the festival stops for three minutes and everyone is silent to reflect on the year that has gone past, it’s such a beautiful feeling to be a part of. For my three minutes I was thinking about what I have learned this year, and I think the major issue that I learnt this year was about being single and learning to feel comfortable with being single.

To go from being in a relationship where it felt like you were with the person who knew the most about you, the good and the  bad, being with the person you felt most comfortable confiding in to just not having that is an adjustment. It was especially hard when two of my sisters left to live overseas which made me feel like there was this gap in my heart. Not having him to turn to during this time just made me miss him more. However, not just this experience but all the other times where I was upset this year after we broke up, forced me to deal with these experiences on my own, teaching me how to deal and making me realise no matter what, I will make it through anything.

There is this one song by Otis Redding which reminds me of this process, learning to deal on your own after a relationship: I’ve got dreams to remember. I think that often during a break up what people forget is that although this relationship is gone that you still ‘have dreams to remember”, things that you were planning for yourself, travelling, career, hobbies, anything, you still have all these dreams for yourself that just because you aren’t with this person anymore, there is still so much in life to experience without them.

Even though it’s been around eight months since I did break up with my boyfriend I still don’t feel ready to get into another relationship. I enjoy being single right now and I also think there are more things for me to learn about myself before I get into anything serious.

I believe that learning about how you are, discovering how you handle and experiencing being single is something that is extremely important to everyone to go through.

So to finish this post, one of my favourite quotes:
"We accept the love we think we deserve". Now for a bit of sweet Otis Redding....