So although these past couple of years I have been much healthier, my body is still not quite where I would like it to be but just to be clear, I don't have the hatred for my body that I use to now I do accept and love the body that I have, I just know that it can be better. The way my mindset has changed now is that I feel that I know my body is still changing, that my body will get better and that I will eventually have the body that I want because I am making the changes that I need to. I've always been into fitness, the reason why my body hasn't been at my ideal body is because of my eating, erratic eating or my portions being too large, just snacking all day, pretty much although eating healthy, eating 'wrong'. Now I've made the changes, I'm running further and stronger than I ever have before, I've started aerial yoga (more on that soon) and I'm getting personal training sessions once a week to work on my strength. It's just something that I feel that I know in my mind that my body isn't going to change in just one week but I just know that I will get there and I'm ok to wait, I feel happy to just progress along because like I said, I know it's changing and I know eventually I will get there, I'm guessing by April, and I'm stoked.
Also turns out my miCoach stride sensor that measures how far I run has actually been in miles, not kilometres, so those times when I've thought my runs have only been 15 kms (I do these larger runs up to 3 times a week), HAHA they've actually been around 24kms! I always thought it was taking me ages to run only 15kms! For running, I run 4 days on, 1 day off, 4 days on, 1 day off, and I LOVE it!
My final little rant is about starting aerial yoga. This is amazing! I absolutely love it, so much fun and an amazing strength work out as well. I've tried different types of yoga on and off over the years, my favourite was hot yoga, it always made me feel amazing afterwards but unfortunately it started getting too expensive so I had to stop that. If you have the opportunity definitely try it out, like I said, it's an amazing work out and a whole heap of fun, don't be afraid to try it by yourself, I didn't know anyone in the class and it was still a great experience. I signed up for the 6 week beginner work shop and on the first class they just throw you right in, you go upside down, a lot of core and arm strength, a fantastic fun work out, you feel like you're in the circus!
*this is just an image from google images*
To end here is another running quote that I found by John Bingham...."My running shoes have become giant erasers on my feet. Every foot stride rubs away some memory of a previous indiscretion with food or smoke or drink. Every successful mile releases me from the demons of failure. Every starting line is another chance to prove that my past will not determine my future."
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