Thursday, 26 January 2012

Thoughts from the hippie...

I've just finished reading 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky..... this book, WOW, amazing!

For anyone who loves anything that Jonathan Safran Foer writes will love this book. It made me laugh, smile and cry, it's absolutely beautiful and I'm definitely excited for the film to come out. I have a lot more hope with this film more so than Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I can't imagine Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks pulling off the characters and yes I know they're professional actors rar rar rar, but for me they just aren't the people for this movie and I'm actually scared about how disappointed I will be, but I'll try to keep an open mind for whenever the movie does finally come out in Australia because who knows, maybe they will do a good job.  So for Perks of Being a Wallflower, Logan Lerman and Emma Watson will be in the movie and I can picture them doing the characters justice.

Make sure you check out the book!

Also, went hiking last weekend which was just what I needed. I find if I stay in the city for ages I get kind of frustrated and need to get away. What made this hike that much more special was that along the way there was this waterhole where you can jump off the rocks. I have never really done that before jumping off of rocks into a waterhole, I always just walk my way in because I'm too scared to do it. I don't think it's a real fear of heights that I have, I think that it's just part of being human, just a natural fear that everyone kind of has, not anything serious. Anyway, I jumped off! And this wasn't just a small jump off either, it was a worthy height jump off into the water. It felt so amazing, the second jump into the water was higher than the first one and I actually chickened out and as the people who I was with and I were just sitting on the rocks drying off about to have lunch I just thought to myself something like "fuck this, everyone else has done it, I'm not going to die, I'm not going to end up paralysed, fuck me, let go rhiannon, fuck being inside doing nothing every weekend like a few people who I'm close to, I came here, fuck it". Seriously that was going through my head as we were sitting down about to eat, so without saying anything except 'fuck it' I walked up to the high rock and just jumped off. It hurt jumping in, but it hurt everyone jumping in and I was so happy with myself that I did that even though it probably didn't mean a lot to anyone else, for me it was about letting go and just doing it, whatever it is, just being in a moment!!! So yes, moral of the story, if it's not going to kill you or seriously hurt you, if it's something your scared of probably a good idea to go through with it, you feel much better at the end!

This picture isn't from where I jumped off, but it was part of the hike :)

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